SPC Flooring: Advantages and Disadvantages

28/07/2023 - hoàng anh - 2 Comment

SPC flooring is made up of multiple layers of fibre-reinforced polypropylene (FPRPP). The layers are then combined with adhesives to create a robust and durable material with excellent thermal, acoustic and fire-retardant properties. Processing the material makes it possible for you to get an attractive and durable floor at an affordable price.

SPC flooring is a laminate flooring product made from recycled and post-consumer materials. It has a smooth finish that is resistant to scratches, dents and scuffs, and it can be used in high-traffic areas such as kitchens, bathrooms and entryways. SPC flooring is an eco-friendly alternative to traditional hardwood and vinyl tile floors.

SPC flooring: Advantages

SPC flooring has many advantages over other types of flooring.

  • It can be installed almost anywhere without requiring noisy ductwork or expensive drywall installation, which makes it a popular choice for both home renovations and new construction projects.
  • SPC also comes in many different colours, designs and textures so that you can find the perfect colour for your home. It also comes in several different thicknesses, so you can find one that suits your needs perfectly.
  • SPC is easy to install; it can be installed on any surface, be it laminate or solid. You can install it yourself since you only need a few tools. You can also have a professional do it for you.
  • There are several other advantages to using SPC floors. They are also very attractive because they have a natural look that will complement any home décor theme.

SPC flooring: Disadvantages

SPC flooring is made up of a simple, solid surface. It is an excellent choice for people who want to make their homes eco-friendlier. However, some drawbacks are associated with this type of flooring.

  • SPC flooring does not last as long as other types of flooring do. The reason for this is that SPC flooring is made out of plastic. This means it will not be able to withstand weather conditions as well as other types of floors do. So, if you live in an area with a lot of rain or snow, your SPC Flooring may start to deteriorate faster than usual.
  • You will have to protect your SPC floor from scratches by using a special wax coat on top each time you use it. This will help keep it looking good for longer periods so that no one will notice any signs that the SPC floor has been scratched or damaged by something else during its lifetime.
  • SPC floors cannot be refinished once they lose their lustre. The only option is to replace them.

SPC flooring: How to install

The SPC core in luxury vinyl flooring allows it to be installed as floating floors in planks or tiles. There is no need for glue in most of these versions, unlike earlier versions. You can cut them with a knife and snap them together, making them easier to assemble than laminate planks. The only thing you need a saw for is cutting curves and notches.

Hardwood, vinyl and some types of tile can all be installed over SPC flooring. Some preparation might be required first, however, since the subfloor must be flat. If the product you install does not come with an underlayment, it is also recommended that you use one. For the flooring to stay in place, you will need to install baseboards.


Contact us for more Detail: 

W: www.vietnampebble.com.vn

T: +84.585.678.996
E: Export3@shcgroup.vn


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